We have our own purpose built scout hut which allows us to meet all year round, come rain or shine. Our scout hut is at the Muntz field; a community area incorporating a football pitch, tennis courts and plenty of rough ground which we use for nature activities, wide games, camping and fire lighting. Beyond that we have quiet lanes and miles of footpaths; plenty of room to let off steam and get muddy. We have over 40 young people, (girls and boys) across three sections; Beavers, Cubs and Scouts. We cover a complete cross section of the community, taking membership from those who attend Tanworth Primary School in addition to those that live in the village, so our catchment area includes Solihull, Redditch, Henley in Arden. We are also active members of the West Warwickshire Scout disitrict, so regularly take part in camps, activites and competitions with Scouts from Henley, Studley, Bearley, Alcester & beyond
Scouting, in its broadest sense, is about providing young people with a challenge; be it in a supported environment at Beavers through to the more independent activities of Scouts. Most meetings our members will be trying something new or something challenging. This could include: hiking, climbing, cooking, pioneering, learning about other cultures and religions, archery, camping every week is different.
All with friends and as part of a team.
And we are not only for young people either. If you’re new to Tanworth in Arden or want to get involved in the community, Scouting is a great place to start. We are always looking for volunteers who can offer us some of their time. We need helpers, leaders, administrators However you want to help, we have a role for you.
For more information on Squirrels, Beavers, Cubs or Scouts then click on the respective links. For information on joining and how our waiting list works click here.