The Beavers have worked very hard this year and have earned several activity badges as well as working towards their stage badges. Challenge badges such as their Friendship, Fitness and Promise Challenge badges have been awarded. Plus Activity badges such as Communicator, Navigator, Cycling, Experiment, Hobby and Air activities have been thoroughly enjoyed. Before parents could moan about the amount of sewing we have also managed to squeeze in their First Aid and First Hike Staged Activity Badge. Their first hike around Earlswood Lakes involved a tree and leaf identification hunt and a brass rubbing session!!
Winter Term 2014
This term started with a bang straight into their first hike around the Earlswood Lakes. We discovered that two hours simply was not enough to explore them and will hopefully go back one day. Mental note: Get a parent to arrive with chips at the end as this Beavers packed lunches did not keep them full for long.
The Beavers took part in two parades this year and we were surprised at the turn out for both.
We were very lucky to have a visit from the High Sheriff of the West Midlands who spent a full hour explaining his role and the history of Sheriffs. Needless to say the Beavers were a bit disappointed he did not live in a castle with a gaol!! The best question of the night was Which judges do you look after the ones on X Factor or Strictly? They loved trying on the uniform as well.
We were also lucky to have a visit from a Police Traffic Officer who came with stingers hand cuffs and his car. There was not much for us leaders to do on that day as we seemed surplus!!! It was far too exciting!
The term was finished by hand crafting Christmas Cards for children at the childrens hospital and a Christmas Quiz!!
Spring Term 2015
We concentrated on the Promise Challenge badge, First Aid Badge and the Experiment Badge. The boys enjoyed bandaging each other up, trying to explode the hut and making a right old mess. Perfect for the rubbish weather!
We promised a visit from a Fire Fighter and to the boys amusement it was a Woman!!!! They learned how to “drop and roll”, 999 procedures and fire awareness.
The obligatory Easter Egg hunt was always going to be a winner when chocolate is involved, even if they did have to use their brains to solve the clues/codes.
Summer Term 2015
We took advantage of the better weather with some outdoor fitness sessions, a fantastic Cycling Safety session with Leigh Ganderton and they all learned to play rounders.
We made play dough and cooked pancakes outside.
Air activities saw the boys playing “Air Stewardesses”; Gulf Air provided all the procedures and announcements. We are still finding paper aeroplanes in the hut.
We also sneaked in the Navigator Badge and spent a session in the field with compasses, following our own maps.
We are planning our goodbye/end of term party and water fight. Hopefully we can squeeze in another few games of rounders (I wish we knew how much they enjoyed this before!) and the International Badge.
We will be sorry to leave the Beaver Colony after 2 fun years, we hope the boys have enjoyed it too.