Young Leaders
Young leaders are young people between the ages of 14 & 18 who want to volunteer their time to help run either Beaver, Cub or Scout meetings. Often they are Explorer Scouts who are working towards their Young Leader belt award, but they don't have to have been a Scout or want to take part in the Explorer Scout meetings, they could just want to help out or need to volunteer as part of their Duke of Edinburgh Award program.
To become a young leader in Scouts you need to commit to attend at least 1 training session 'Module A'. This is an evening session and runs about 4 times a year at one of the Scout groups in West Warwickshire district. Module A introduces the Young Leader program, Scouting and the values of Scouting so it's good to attend it before starting as a Young Leader. If you enjoy being a young leader you can continue the program, attending social and training sessions that take place most months and eventually earning the Young Leader Belt award.
At Tanworth in Arden Scouts we have young leaders in all three sections; Beavers, Cubs & Scouts. Numbers are limited to 2 young leaders in each section and demand for places is usually high so if you are thinking you may want to volunteer as part of your DofE you may need to wait for a place. Enquire early buy completing the form below.